Патент США 5,629,678
Гаргано 13 мая 1997
Система слежения за человеком и recovery человека
В аппарате для слежения за человеком и оказания медицинской помощи человеку применяется имплантируемое приемопередающее устройство (трансивер), включающее систему питания и адекватного отображения состояния объектов предметной области, которая позволяет аппарату годами без технического обслуживания (дополнительной поддержки работоспособности) оставаться введенным в живую ткань и функционировать. Введенный в живую ткань передатчик (трансмиттер) может быть приведен в действие дистанционно или при имплантации. Энергия для дистанционно приведения в действие ресивера электромеханически генерируется от движения мышц тела. Устройство такое маленькое, что может имплантироваться ребенку для применение в качестве средства от похищения, а также имеет такую зону охвата, которая делает это устройство подходящим для применения при занятиях разными видами спорта. Новая способность биологического мониторинга позволяет использовать устройство для обеспечения незамедлительного медицинского управления при сердечном приступе или в иных подобных случаях опасности для здоровья.
Новая сенсационная способность обратной связи позволяет тому, кто имплантирует средство, уверенно его контролировать и обеспечивать адекватное отображение устройством состояния объектов предметной области.
Изобретатель: Поль А. Гаргано ( Бельмонт, ул.Клифтон ,154, МА 02178) и др.
Собственник патента: Поль А.Гаргано (Бельмонт,МА)
Номер заявки: 371089
Зарегистрировано: 10 января 1995
Текущий разряд США 340/573.4; 128/903; 340/539.1; 340/539.12; 340/825.49;
342/465; 455/100
Международный разряд G08B 023/00
Область исследований 340/573,574,572,539,825.49 455/100 379/37-38
342/450,357,44,42,51 128/774,903,653.1,696
Документация патентов США
ноябрь, 1971 |
Аллен |
340/572. |
июнь, 1974 |
Денистон, III |
607/17. |
июнь, 1984 |
Спицер |
623/3. |
июнь1986 |
Хаки |
600/40. |
июль, 1986 |
Хаки |
600/40. |
ноябрь, 1987 |
Мэн |
340/539. |
декабрь, 1987 |
Келли и др. |
604/89. |
апрель, 1991 |
Бадилак и др. |
623/3. |
сентябрь, 1991 |
Уэсби |
340/825. |
июнь, 1994 |
Ли и др. |
600/16. |
август, 1994 |
Де Кориолис и др. |
607/32. |
октябрь, 1995 |
Лиотта |
623/3. |
октябрь, 1995 |
Шалге и др. |
340/573. |
октябрь., 1995 |
Хошен |
340/573. |
декабрь, 1995 |
Морган и др. |
128/903. |
Другие ссылки
Обсуждение результатов одного исследования , 3 мая,1994
Главный инспектор: Томас Мулле
Агент или фтрма: Гамильтон,Брук, Смит и Рейнольдс
Мы заявляем:
испускающий передатчик радиочастот
источник энергии для питания данного передатчика
испускающие устройства для введения в действие данного передатчика
принимающие средства, позволяющие детектирование сформированного извне
информационного сигнала,
антенна для эффективного распространения радиочастотной энергии с указанного
приемопередающего устройства для формирования идентифицируемого радиочастотного
сигнала в период времени, следующий за приведением в действие указанных средств
испускания сигнала,
указанные средства приема включают электромеханическое устройство с двоичным
выводом, цифровой декодер для детектирования кодированной заранее информации в
двоичной системе счисления данного электромеханического средства и для обеспечения
испускания электрического сигнала , оповещающего о наличии информации,
испускание данного сигнала , вызывающего введение в действие указанного
приемопередающего устройства.
Указанный цифровой декодер , который отвечает на запрос подготовленной для ввода в
систему передаваемой волны для обеспечения электрического
испускаемого сигнала, оповещающего о наличии информации.
United States Patent |
5,629,678 |
Gargano , et al. |
May 13, 1997 |
Personal tracking and recovery
Apparatus for tracking and
recovering humans utilizes an implantable transceiver incorporating a power
supply and actuation system allowing the unit to remain implanted and
functional for years without maintenance. The implanted transmitter may be
remotely actuated, or actuated by the implantee.
Power for the remote-activated receiver is generated electromechanically
through the movement of body muscle. The device is small enough to be implanted
in a child, facilitating use as a safeguard against kidnapping, and has a
transmission range which also makes it suitable for wilderness sporting
activities. A novel biological monitoring feature allows the device to be used
to facilitate prompt medical dispatch in the event of heart attack or similar
medical emergency. A novel sensation-feedback feature allows the implantee to control and actuate the device with certainty.
Inventors: |
Gargano; Paul A.
(154 Clifton St., Belmont, MA 02178); Gilmore; David H. (Cayman Kai,
KY); Pace; Frank A. (Ballston Spa, NY); Weinstein; Lee
(Somerville, MA) |
Assignee: |
Gargano; Paul A.
( |
Appl. No.: |
371089 |
Filed: |
January 10, 1995 |
Current U.S. Class: |
340/573.4; 128/903; 340/539.1; 340/539.12; 340/825.49; 342/465; 455/100 |
Intern'l Class: |
G08B 023/00 |
Field of Search: |
340/573,574,572,539,825.49 455/100 379/37-38 342/450,357,44,42,51 128/774,903,653.1,696 |
References Cited [Referenced By]
U.S. Patent Documents
Nov., 1971 |
Allen |
340/572. |
Jun., 1974 |
Denniston, III |
607/17. |
Jun., 1984 |
Spitzer |
623/3. |
Jun., 1986 |
Hakky |
600/40. |
Jul., 1986 |
Hakky |
600/40. |
Nov., 1987 |
Man |
340/539. |
Dec., 1987 |
Kelly et al. |
604/89. |
Apr., 1991 |
Badylak et al. |
623/3. |
Sep., 1991 |
Wesby |
340/825. |
Jun., 1994 |
Lee et al. |
600/16. |
Aug., 1994 |
de Coriolis et al. |
607/32. |
Oct., 1995 |
Liotta |
623/3. |
Oct., 1995 |
Schlager et al. |
340/573. |
Oct., 1995 |
Hoshen |
340/573. |
Dec., 1995 |
Morgan et al. |
128/903. |
Other References
Primary Examiner: Mullen; Thomas
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds, P.C.
We claim:
1. A transceiver device implantable in a human body comprising:
a triggerable radio frequency transmitter,
a power source for powering said transmitter,
triggering means for activating said transmitter,
receiver means allowing the detection of an externally generated information
an antenna for effectively radiating RF energy from said transmitter to produce
an identifiable RF signal for a period of time following activation by said
trigger means,
said receiver means comprising an electromechanical device having a binary
output, a digital decoder for detecting predetermined time-encoded information
in the binary output of said electromechanical device and for providing an
electrical trigger signal representative of the presence of such pre-determined
information, and
said trigger signal causing the activation of said transmitter.
2. The transceiver of claim 1, wherein said receiver means additionally
comprises a wave receiver for receiving a transmitted wave, and
said digital decoder is responsive to information in an incoming transmitted
wave for providing an electrical trigger signal representative of the presence
of the information.
3. The transceiver of claim 2, further comprising sensory stimulus means for
providing a noticeable stimulus to alert the person in whom the device is
implanted that all or part of said incoming transmitted wave has been detected
by said digital decoder.
4. The transceiver of claim 2, further comprising a charging regulator for
maintaining the power source used to power the transmitter at a state of peak
5. The implantable device of claim 1, wherein said receiver means additionally
comprises a sustainable power supply comprising means for picking up
periodically available external energy without external electrical contact,
storing said energy for use over time, such that the resultant stored energy is
sufficient to power the receiver means with enough regularity to ensure proper
detection of information on said incoming signal.
6. The transceiver of claim 5 wherein said external energy pickup comprises an
inductive pickup, for converting magnetic energy to electrical energy.
7. The transceiver of claim 6, wherein said inductive pickup is placed close to
the surface of the body of the individual in which it is implanted.
8. The transceiver of claim 5 wherein said external energy pickup comprises an
electromechanical means for converting mechanical work of the body into
electrical energy.
9. The transceiver of claim 8, wherein said mechanical work is supplied by
muscle tissue in the body of the human in which the device is implanted.
10. The device of claim 1, wherein said electromechanical device includes
threshold-detection circuitry.
11. The device of claim 1, wherein said signal decoder allows input from more
than one source of binary information.
12. The device of claim 1, further comprising means for providing a perceivable
stimulus in response to one output from said digital decoder.
13. The transceiver of claim 12, wherein said receiver means comprises analog
circuitry for amplifying the electrical field associated with the contraction of
the human heart, and said digital decoder comprises means for detecting the
lack of a regular heartbeat.
14. The device of claim 1, wherein said signal decoder provides a plurality of
outputs in response to a plurality of different pre-determined information
15. The transceiver of claim 1, further comprising sensory stimulus means for
providing a noticeable stimulus to alert the human in whom the device is
implanted that all or part of said externally generated information signal has
been detected by said digital decoder.
16. The transceiver of claim 1, further comprising sensory stimulus means for
providing a noticeable stimulus to alert the human in whom the device is
implanted that the all or part of said predetermined information signal has
been detected by said detector means.
17. The device of claim 1, wherein said digital decoder allows input from more
than one source of binary information.
18. A system for tracking and recovering humans in distress, comprising;
a plurality of triggerable transceivers implanted
each in a human being,
each transceiver having a transmitter and a receiver, any one of said
transmitters of said transceivers uniquely triggerable
to transmit a radio frequency beacon signal after the receiver of said transceiver
receives a predetermined radio frequency information signal,
a network of trigger transmitters and receivers, each being sensitive to said
radio frequency beacon signal and capable of deriving positional information
concerning the source of said beacon signal, and
said trigger transmitters being capable of transmitting a plurality of uniquely
identifiable radio frequency information signals, capable of uniquely
triggering one of the plurality of implanted radio transceivers.
19. The system of claim 18, further comprising a plurality of mobile receivers
sensitive to said radio frequency beacon signals for providing finer positional
accuracy in determining the location of the source of said radio frequency
beacon signals.
The present invention relates, in general, to tracking and recovery systems and
systems for tracking and recovering humans. More particularly, it discloses a
system employing a self-powered, self-maintained transceiver, small enough to
be implanted in a human, for locating, tracking, and recovering persons in
distress, such as kidnap victims, people encountering adverse circumstances
while in the wilderness, victims of heart attacks and the like.
Various apparatus and techniques for tracking and
locating animate and inanimate objects are known in the art. Recently,
international legislation has established a satellite tracking system for
locating downed aircraft and distressed seagoing vessels. This system utilizes
user-activated transmitters operating at a frequency of 460 MHz, as spelled out
in the Code of Federal Regulations chapter 47 part 90. These inexpensive
transmitters are known as Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB's). The associated satellite network is capable of
locating a transmitting EPIRB anywhere on the face of the globe. By
international agreement, this system is used only for distressed aircraft and
seagoing vessels, and all other potential uses are forbidden.
The above described devices all have limitations making them unsuitable as
systems for the widespread tracking and recovery of humans. The EPIRB
transmitter and Lojack transceiver are not
miniaturized to the point where implantation is practical. The techniques for
manually activating the EPIRB unit also make it unsuited for implantation. The LoJack unit requires substantial power to be supplied
continually from a vehicle battery system, and
unsuited for implantation from this point of view as well.
Daniel Man's implantable device is designed for continuous operation, which
places severe constraints on its transmission range, even if it is only to be
operated for a day at a time between battery recharges. With a given level of
background radio frequency noise, communication theory can be used to calculate
the minimum power consumption needed for detection of an event within a given
time to within a given certainty, at a given distance from an omni-directional
transmitter. The resultant average transmission power is independent of whether
the transmitter is pulsed or continuous. Further problems arise with Man's
system when a number of units are in use in the same area. The tracking problem
becomes prohibitively expensive for many simultaneous units, and the
malfunction of any unit can mask the detectability of
other units, or require significantly increased transmission power levels for
all units. Such a system would require a very expensive closely spaced network
of permanent tracking receivers with very costly hardware capable of tracking
multiple units at one time. A system where transmitters are active all the time
requires n times more bandwidth in the radio spectrum than minimal-bandwidth
system with only one transmitter transmitting at one time. The availability of
bandwidth could become quite a problem if the Man system were put into wide
In addition, the implanted unit would need to be recharged (probably daily)
through contacts brought out through the person's skin. Such an arrangement
presents a significant health hazard. In addition, the need for regular
recharging puts significant restraints on the person using the device and also
heightens the users awareness of the implanted device, resulting in a less
"free and natural" state of mind. The complexity of the Man system
could result in a significant level of false alarms, and/or prohibitively high
The present invention contemplates improving upon the features available in the
aforementioned devices and makes possible a widespread tracking and recovery
system for humans in distress. The present invention will benefit from novel
features allowing it to remain implanted and functional for many years. The
device will remain in a dormant state until activated, either by the person in
whom it is implanted, or by remote means. Novel means for powering and
triggering the device will make recharging and battery replacement unnecessary.
The device meets the growing demand for a new level of safety and peace of
Consequently, it is a general object of this invention to provide a new means
and method for locating, tracking, and recovering humans in distress. Ideally,
the device will bring peace of mind and an increased quality of life for those
who use it, and for their families, loved ones, and associates who depend on
them critically. Adults who are at risk due to their economic or political
status, as well as their children who may be at risk of being kidnapped, will
reap new freedoms in their every-day lives by employing the device. Law
enforcement agencies will be able to more economically protect those at risk, those who would potentially perpetrate acts of
violence against individuals will be more effectively deterred. Those who enjoy
wilderness sports such as mountain climbing, skiing, hang gliding, etc. will
enjoy new freedom knowing that a rescue mission can be dispatched to their
exact location if they encounter trouble.
A specific object of the invention is the rapid effective recovery of
individuals who have been kidnapped. A further object of this invention is to
afford peace of mind and increased quality of life to those utilizing the
invention, and to their loved ones and dependent associates. It is a further
object of the invention to make emergency aid readily available to those at
risk in remote or urban areas. It is a further object of the invention to
reduce the cost of rescue missions to remote areas. It is further object of the
invention to facilitate a highly reliable, minimal cost, location and recovery
system with flexible features. It is a further object of the invention to
facilitate rapid, automatic deployment of medical personnel in the event of certain
medical emergencies.
This implantable tracking and recovery device makes possible greatly increased
safety for people in a variety of situations. This increased safety leads to
peace of mind and associated increased quality of life not only for those utilizing
the device but for concerned loved ones as well. Four areas where this device
will be seen to have significant impacts are (1) safeguarding against
kidnapping, and rapid recovery of victims; (2) safety in wilderness sporting
activities, where risk is inherent and help is often not readily available; (3)
personal safety in urban environments, where one might encounter car-jackings, muggings, and the like; (4) medical emergencies,
such as heart attack or seizure.
The lives of potential kidnap victims and their loved ones will be
significantly freed up by the peace of mind afforded by the tracking device.
Along with peace of mind, the homing device will offer the possibility of a
lifestyle that would otherwise be considered too risky. In the event of a
kidnapping, law enforcement officials could be expediently dispatched for rapid
recovery of the victim.
The tracking device will offer safety in such activities as hiking, mountain
climbing, skiing, and camping in remote areas. Costs of rescue missions will be
dramatically cut because searching will not be necessary. Lives will be saved
because the time from when the emergency occurs to when help arrives will be
dramatically cut.
The device will afford increased safety and peace of mind for those in urban
areas as well. The increase in gang violence, rapes, muggings, and car jackings in recent years has generated significant
increased concern for personal safety. The use of the device will afford
increased peace of mind and will allow law enforcement to be more effective.
Many lives could be significantly prolonged if help were rapidly available in
the event of a heart attack. Unfortunately, the individual suffering the heart
attack may not recognize the symptoms of the heart attack (which may occur in
sleep), and even if the symptoms are recognized, the individual may be unable
to summon help. The use of the device with incorporated body-function
monitoring capability allows help to be rapidly dispatched, potentially saving
the life of the user.
The system employs triggerable radio beacon
transmitter means designed to be implanted beneath the skin of an individual.
Biological monitoring in the device will provide means for rapidly dispatching
help in the event of a detectable medical emergency, such as a heart attack. A
unique sensation-feedback feature allows the user to control and trigger the
device with certainty, resulting in a more reliable, easily maintained system.
The device is hermetically sealed in a biologically inert container. The device
operates normally in a dormant state, and can be externally triggered to
transmit the homing beacon. There are numerous possible embodiments of the
trigger mechanism. In some embodiments of the trigger mechanism, the device is
designed to be remotely triggered. Such a feature is desirable if the device is
implanted in a small child who cannot be relied upon to trigger the device.
Remote triggering may also be desirable in instances when an individual may be
In one remote triggering instance, a radio transmitter may broadcast a coded
signal to a receiver within the device. The receiver is equipped with circuitry
for recognizing the coded radio signal. In one embodiment where the device is
locally triggered, the device may be equipped with an acoustic receiver
designed to detect certain sounds or a predetermined sequence of sounds in
time, such as a note progression. In this case the device would likely be
triggered by the person in whom it is implanted, for
instance by humming a given tune. Immunity to false alarms may be provided by
making the sequence long or requiring it to be repeated in a certain amount of
In another embodiment, the device may be triggered by monitoring a body
function such as heart rate. If the victim were to experience a heart attack,
help would be automatically and expediently dispatched.
If the device is triggered either by an external coded radio signal or a coded
acoustic signal, or by monitoring a body function such as heart rate, the
device incorporates a micro-power analog electronic means such as a radio or
acoustic receiver or electrocardiogram monitoring circuitry, which runs off
energy collected either from body muscle by electromechanical means, or from an
external charger through electromagnetic induction coupling.
Other local triggering means not requiring a micro-power receiver are also
contemplated. In such a case the device may be triggered by electromechanical
means with a binary output, such as a mechanical switch. Possible embodiments
of such a triggering mechanism range from a simple subcutaneous switch or
combination of switches that actuate the transmitter when pressed, to an
actuator coupled to internal body muscle, combined with digital circuitry
designed to trigger the transmitter in response to a timed sequence of
It may be desirable in some implementations to include capabilities for both
local and remote triggering. The same individual may desire the capability of
local triggering in the event of an emergency such as a car-jacking, mugging,
or kidnapping, while desiring remote triggering capability if for some reason
the situation had rendered the individual unconscious. It may also be desirable
in some embodiments for the user to be able to disable the remote-trigger
The device contains a power source capable of supplying power for the
transmitter for ample time to afford recovery of the individual in distress.
Once triggered, the device may transmit only for a predetermined interval,
allowing re-triggering later if the distressed individual is not located, or if
help takes some time to dispatch.
The small size of the device makes it suitable for implantation in young
children as well as adults. The above and other features of the invention
including various and novel details of construction and combination of parts
will now be more particularly described with reference to the accompanying
drawings and pointed out in the claims. It will be understood that the
particular personal tracking and recovery system embodying the invention is
shown by way of illustration only and not as a limitation of the invention. The
principles and features of this invention may be employed in varied and
numerous embodiments without departing from the scope of the invention.
FIG. 1 depicts an overall schematic view of a system for the tracking,
locating, and recovery of humans embodying the features of the invention and
including an exemplary implantable triggerable transmitting
device, remote activation transmitter, several ground-based receiving antennae
and alternate satellite-based receiving antennae, mobile receiving unit, and
associated coordinating equipment, which combine to perform the locating and
tracking function.
FIG. 2 is a schematic block diagram of an illustrative implantable triggerable transmitter unit, including sensation feedback
feature, and several trigger implementations, which are used separately or in
combination in a given embodiment of the implantable device.
Referring to FIG. 1, one of a plurality of persons, P.sub.1, is equipped with
an implanted transceiver device D.sub.1 from a plurality of devices D. A
plurality of triggerable transmitters T (only one of
which is shown in FIG. 1) transmit a coded trigger signal S.sub.1, which is
picked up by the receiver section of all implanted devices D (only device
D.sub.1 being shown in FIG. 1). The receiver circuits in all devices D receive
the same coded trigger signal. However, the code in signal S.sub.1 uniquely
identifies device D.sub.1, and D.sub.1 alone responds to coded signal S.sub.1
by transmitting a locating-and-tracking signal S.sub.2. Signal S.sub.2 is
received by at least one ground-based receiver, A.sub.1, A.sub.2, and A.sub.3,
of a plurality of receivers A, or at least one satellite receiver including
SR.sub.1, SR.sub.2, and SR.sub.3 of a plurality of receivers R.
Information from the ground-based receivers A or the satellite receivers S are
coordinated at a tracking and locating center TLC. Equipment within the
tracking and locating center TLC uses information (for example phase, timing,
field strength, etc.) of the received signals to derive positional information
about implanted device D.sub.1. Additional positional information may be
provided by a mobile receiver MR, which may employ directional receiving means
DR, and one or more antenna MA. The mobile receiver MR may be used, for
instance, to locate implantable unit D.sub.1 within a building, a neighborhood,
or a small area of wilderness, facilitating cost effective recovery without
having to map the face of the globe precisely.
Upon being triggered by signal S.sub.1, implanted device D.sub.1 preferably
transmits only for a brief interval long enough to get a rough positional fix.
When the mobile receiver MR has been dispatched, or other rescue means have
been readied, transmitter T would then re-activate implanted device D.sub.1 for
the second stage of the recovery.
FIG. 2 is a mechanical and electrical schematic block diagram of an exemplary
implantable triggerable transceiver unit D.sub.1. The
entire unit D.sub.1 is housed within a sealed case and designated 39. The case
is preferably made from or covered with a biologically inert material such as
Teflon or Titanium. Several possible mechanisms are shown. Remote radio
receiving means comprise a receiving antenna 2 and micro-power radio
receiver/demodulator means 4. The triggering signal S.sub.1 is received by
antenna 2, and the resultant electrical signal is fed to the micro-power radio
receiver/demodulator means 4, which outputs a binary signal S.sub.3 to signal
decoder means 6. The signal decoder means 6 monitors signal S.sub.3 over time,
and upon detecting a certain pre-determined pattern, sends a trigger signal
S.sub.5 to timing circuit means 8. Timing circuit means 8 then applies a
control signal S.sub.6 to a power switching means 7, causing power switching
means 7 to apply power from power source 14 to a beacon transmitter 10, which may
broadcast at different power levels, controlled by signal decoder means 6.
The beacon transmitter 10 operates in response to being actuated by power
source 14, and transmits the locating and tracking signal S.sub.2 via
transmitting antenna 12. Through the incorporation of proper input protection
circuitry on the micro-power receiver 4, it is possible for receiving antenna 2
and transmitting antenna 12 to be one and the same. These antennae are shown as
being separate in FIG. 2 for functional clarity. The micro-power receiver means
4 is powered by energy storage means 36. Micro-power generating means 26 may
derive power from some energy source external to the implanted device.
In the preferred embodiment, micro-power generating means 26 derives power from
physical work done by muscle fibers in the body. Body muscle 30 is connected
(for instance, via suturing) to linkage 28. Linkage 28 connects muscle 30
through a seal in case 39 to micro-power transducing
means 26. Case 39 is mechanically anchored to another body structure (for
instance muscle, tendon, bone, etc.) to afford an opposing force to that
exerted by muscle 30. Power transducing means 26
converts the work of muscle 30 to useful electrical energy, which is fed to
energy conversion circuitry 32. Energy conversion circuitry 32 is provided to
most efficiently store the electrical energy derived from power transducing means
Energy storage means 36 holds enough energy to sustain micro-power circuitry in
an operational state with enough regularity to insure proper triggering of
beacon transmitter
Power-switching means 7 is shown as a field-effect transistor, chosen in the
preferred embodiment because it takes no static power to keep turned on,
yielding easy interface with micro-power circuitry, and also allowing a high
degree of integration onto a single chip. Signal decoding circuitry 6 and
timing circuitry 8 are preferably CMOS logic, in order to draw minimal power.
Timing circuitry 8 is preferably powered from power source
Signal decoder means 6 may be made capable of detecting multiple codes to
perform different functions, for instance to activate beacon transmitter means
10 for different periods of time. A short-time actuation might be desirable for
an initial positional fix, and a long-time actuation might be desirable for a
final local recovery by a mobile receiver. It is desirable to have different
activation codes result in beacon transmitter 10 being energized at different
power levels, for instance a high power level for the initial positional fix,
where the receiving antennae may be far away, and a lower power level during
the final positional determination by a mobile receiver.
Binary conversion means 38 converts the analog signal derived from power transducing means 26 to a digital signal. In the preferred
embodiment, this enables body muscle 30 to be used to control the implanted
device as well as provide power to the device. Contractions of body muscle 30
cause alternating voltage signal S.sub.5 to be generated and applied to energy
conversion circuitry 32 and binary conversion means 38. For the piezoelectric
power transducing means of the preferred embodiment,
binary conversion means 38 may be implemented as a voltage divider means 24
followed by Schmitt trigger means 22. Binary conversion means 38 is powered by
energy storage reservoir
Signal decoder 6 may provide different decoding functions for data streams from
different sources. For instance, signal S.sub.4, derived locally, may be
decoded to provide functions not accessible remotely, such as shutting down
micro-power receiving means 4. This may be desirable if the user is worried
about being locatable by an adverse party under certain circumstances. Partial
completion of the trigger code in data stream S.sub.4 may be programmed to
provide a perceivable sensation to the user, for instance through vibrator
means 20. This would provide means for "practicing" triggering the device
without actually sending out a signal indicating an emergency. It is also
possible to configure the device to provide the same or different perceivable
sensation through vibrator means 20 upon activation of Beacon transmitter 10.
This feedback would provide peace of mind to the user, knowing that help was on
the way. Various self-test functions may be implemented through special codes
recognized in signal stream S.sub.4.
Voltage monitor means 16 is provided to detect a low-energy state of power
source 14. Voltage monitor means 16 is preferentially powered off energy
reservoir 36, ensuring that the critical standby power source 16 is not drained
by providing the voltage monitoring function. Voltage monitor means 16 may also
activate vibrator means
It is contemplated that in one embodiment, energy reservoir 36 and power source
14 would be one and the same. This has not been done in the preferred
embodiment for three reasons: First, the most suitable embodiment of power
source 14 is deemed to be a chemical storage battery with a long (perhaps 10
year) expected shelf life. This ensures that adequate power for beacon
transmitter 10 is available reliably, while taking very little space. Second, regular
"playing" with vibrator means 20 could, in such an instance, result
in substantially draining power source 14 for some period of time. Third,
implementing energy reservoir 36 with a different type of energy storage device
than 14 (for instance, implementing 36 as a capacitor) can allow for increased
charging efficiency over the relatively low electrochemical charging efficiency
of many batteries.
For very long term applications or to reduce the shelf life requirements on
power source 14, voltage regulator means 18 may be provided to use surplus
energy collected from power transducing means 26 to
keep power source 14 optimally charged.
It may be desirable to separate the receiving and/or transmitting antennae 2
and 12 from the rest of the unit, in order to allow the antennae to be closer
to the surface of the body for more efficient transmission and reception. Such
mechanical alterations to the containment of the device are within the scope of
the present invention.
It is also possible for the conversion circuitry 32 to receive power from a
source external to the body, such as an electromagnetic induction source that
might be placed close to the body on a regular basis for purposes of recharging
energy reservoir
The drawings referred to in the specification are presented in block diagram
form. Numerous possible implementations of any given block will be apparent to
one skilled in the art. Any specific details referred to are strictly by way of
example. It will be readily apparent to one skilled in the art that various
substitutions and modifications can be made without departing from the spirit
of the invention.